May 14, 2003

[aja] i'm so excited. my first backstage PASS.
[aja] and i didn't even have to BLOW ANYONE.

May 5, 2003

[r[o]b] someone already has a patent for toilet shaped cat water bowls. they goes our business plan to make us rich.

May 2, 2003

[kentucky] kali4nya, aisle 13, right next to the DEAD BABY CAKE MIX
[aja] not dead baby!
[aja] fakebaby!
[kentucky] like.
[kentucky] dude. i think we may have different visions here.
[aja] dude.
[kentucky] or, at least different baby business models
[aja] i'm just saying, if we wanna go mainstream.

May 1, 2003

[tennessee] not a very practical car!
[tennessee] where would you park that?
[Nevada] No, but I could drive over people with it.
[Nevada] And I would like to see how they plan on towing it.
[tennessee] hm
[tennessee] you could drive over people with a reglar car
[Nevada] Yeah, but not while they were in their office buildings.