November 23, 2002

--- `_ has become _`
--- _` has become __|__
<-- skacr0w has kicked __|__ from #n00n (Niq flood (3 nicks in 16secs of 30secs))
--> __|__ ( has joined #n00n
--- danp gives channel operator status to __|__
[maroo] hmm.
--- __|__ has become ___|_
--- ___|_ has become ____|
* ^________________^ ;
--- ____| has become _
* _ *
[emily] ok wtf.
--- _ has become hmm
* hmm *
--- ^________________^ has become O
* O :
* O - :
[Chris] Kevin is rocking the nick crossfader.
[katchoo] i want a baseball field
[katchoo] fulla dead baseball players. :(
[maroo] katchoo, you're sick.
[maroo] i'd have to call you kevin costner
[maroo] and make fun of you for waterworld

November 22, 2002

[rob] I better goto work now. If I don't show up I might get sent to china to work in the factories.

November 18, 2002

[gabe] say something secret about chris!
[gabe] HE CAN'T TELL!
[caleb_] i love him
[emily_] hahah.
[caleb_] :X
[emily_] i know secrets about chris.
[caleb_] i have a secret
[caleb_] ...
[caleb_] im late.
[caleb_] and not like late to a meeting
[caleb_] im... LATE
[caleb_] and guess what
[caleb_] ITS CHRIS'S

November 12, 2002

[aja] aron: we need to own our own business and have laptops.
[aron] hell yeah
[caleb] you can call it ajaron
[caleb] im out though
[caleb] pz
* caleb is not here: [l(on) p(on)]
[aron] hmmm..... ajaron
[aron] aja:what would the company do?
[aja] aron: get rich.
[aron] damn!
[aron] that sounds good

November 8, 2002

[r[o]b] pre: I've been doing evil. :P
[pre] evil is bad, rob!

November 6, 2002

[aja] you've been naked with a republican.
[sham] yeah. when i went to put my hoo-hoo in her ha-ha, her ha-ha had been replaced by a big red-white-and-blue ELEPHANT.