April 30, 2002

[kevin] lately.
[kevin] if there is like, 3 lines of text
[kevin] i anticipate girls and robots.
[kevin] i am tired of robots!
[hammy] i like music up the ass

April 26, 2002

[katchoo] you guys should meet in oregon and go get some food.
[kevin] i would be pretty hungry by the time i got to oregon!
[katchoo] i was thinking you guys could ride bikes.
[kevin] wow.
[kevin] i think i would die if i attempted to ride my bike to oregon without eating
[katchoo] you will eat THE POWER OF NATURE.
[kevin] the power of nature?
[kevin] i don't like this air, but that doesn't mean i'll stop breathing
[katchoo] don't look at me!
[katchoo] i just irk here.

April 24, 2002

[katchoo] HRM.
[katchoo] my head
[katchoo] is full of things
[katchoo] hopefully excedrin will get rid of at least one of the things.
[katchoo] called PAIN.
[hammy] i like to kill almost as much as i like to eat

(i'm beginning to think sammy could have a quotepage of himself)
[hammy] hi
[hammy] i'm just lagged
[hammy] and curiously gay

April 17, 2002

[sbammy] dildos are funny
[sbammy] girls stick t hem up their yings and yangs
[katchoo] !@#
[sbammy] and guys just stick them up their yangs

April 15, 2002

[aron] oh man, stomach is upset, i need to go spray brown town with my flamming hot diarrhea
[katchoo] i should roll a cigarette soon. i am so thirsty. hrm.
[dylan] thirsty
[dylan] cigarettes
[dylan] (give em something to drink dude)
[dylan] thirsty
[dylan] cigarettes
[dylan] (dude theyre really thirsty)
[dylan] thirsty
[dylan] aja
[dylan] (shes thirsty too)
[katchoo] haha.
[katchoo] are you writing a song?
[dylan] thats my poem
[dylan] about CANCER
[katchoob] oh the lies flow like orange juice tonight.

April 14, 2002

kevin, doing taxes:
[kevin] 'get organized - personal information'
[kevin] 'Here's what you will need to complete this section:'
[kevin] 'Your full name'
[kevin] hmm... i'd better go find that.

April 12, 2002

(posted for caleb)
[meeshy] Idol!
[dylan] billy
[meeshy] graham
[caleb] crackers

April 8, 2002

[DragonRe] when you make love to a cactus, it makes love right back at you

April 7, 2002

[tabmmy] because anytime you have girl soup and you sprinkle in boy there is tricksterness

April 6, 2002

[rob] so pretend that in my brain aja is the short term memory and emily is the long term memory.
[rob] I would be crazy because of the voices in my head talking about sex toys and stuffs. :P

April 5, 2002

[aja] maybe i should go smoke and give some kid cancer.
[aja] and then i'll beat her in the head.
[aja] until the make a wish foundation takes her to disney land.
[aja] i'm going to hell. gosh.
* xammy beats emily up in a sexish, kinky sorta way.
[katchoo] we all need love, don't we?
[james] yes
[james] and robots
[katchoo] haha.
[katchoo] LOVE AND ROBOTS.
[james] yup
[katchoo] and the world will be perfect.
[james] and everyone knows that girls love robots

April 2, 2002

[aja] gooood is supposed to be like god.