July 28, 2002

[svmmy] kurt cobain was lactose intolerant.
[kevin] sam, but his favorite food was kraft macaroni and cheese
[kevin] strange for one who is lactose intolerant
[kevin] hmm
[svmmy] hehe! i was just reciting the name of a zine :P
[svmmy] i don't know if he was truly lactose intolerant.

July 24, 2002

[danp] http://www.somethingawful.com/inserts/news/images/07-2002/07-24-2002-kitten.jpg
[danp] haha what the
[james] haha
[danp] where do they come up with this stuff
[james] creative minds

July 21, 2002

[mymymy] i miss kurt cobain
[katchoo] yeah. :/
[mymymy] he would know what to do in a situation like this
[mymymy] he would have words
[mymymy] and 3 chords
[mymymy] to soothe us

July 20, 2002

[katchoo] i submit.
[katchoo] that the emblem/logo for schweppes gingerail..
[katchoo] contains hidden pictures of either naked chicks, a vagina, or dolphins.
[katchoo] i haven't decided yet.
[emily] hahaha.
[kevin] hmm
[kevin] maybe it has naked dolphin vaginas

July 17, 2002

[reza] I don't htink I'm the alcoholic type! but I like my men intoxicated
[reza] mostly by ME

July 16, 2002

[aja] is it alcoholic?cause i only know about BOOZE and BROADS.

July 12, 2002

[r[o]b] information security is pretty important
[r[o]b] like if you say, "I'm going to burger king right now", and a spy heard that. it would be all over.

July 9, 2002

[aja] once upon a time there was a panda named sleepy.
[aron] huh
[aja] and sleepy was a happy panda. as long as they let sleepy stay in bed.
[aron] oh yeah?
[aja] in the kingdom of sleepy.
[aron] tell me more!
[aja] but just past the kingdom of sleepy, there lies a kingom called real life.
[aron] :O
[aja] and the ruler of real life was an eeevil queen named MONEYCUNT.
[aron] i'm scared
[aja] and five days out of seven, queen moneycunt FORCED the peaceful pandas of sleepy kingdom out of bed against their will.
[aron] :(
[aja] and dragged them by their soft pana hair to the dark dungeons of EMPLOYMENTDOOM.
[aja] and two times a month, evil queen MONEYCUNT would shed some of her skin, and give it to the pandas.
[aja] and they would think, yes. i am happy.
[aja] unfortunately, the happiness wore off, and the golden skin of evil queen moneycunt would shrivel and disappear.
[aja] i'm tired. i don't know if i can go on.

July 8, 2002

[dylan] i was sittin out in front of quikmart
[dylan] drinkin a coke
[dylan] smokin
[dylan] some gangster guy was all stoned
[dylan] started talkin to me
[dylan] sat down next to me and asked "whats that characters name... from the facts of life"
[dylan] im like "tootie?"
[dylan] 'yea tootie, thats you mang'
[dylan] i was wearing my rollerblades.
[gabe] HAHA
[gabe] it's an honor to be called tootie, i think.
[dylan] yes
[dylan] he wasnt doin it to make fun of me, so it was all good in the hood

July 1, 2002

[pajama] CLITSAW
[pajama] that should have read clitsaq.
[gabe] clitsaq.
[emily] clitsaw!@#
[pajama] but clitsaw. new word.