August 29, 2002

[rob] i keep thinking the new mozilla icon is a happy read heart!!! then I think, "no! I cannot have cute on my computer! I want skull!" then I see its the dinosaur head and then its all okay.

August 25, 2002

[ymmas] i just realized something: i really like alternative country
* ymmas goes out to buy a thirft-store cowboy hat.

August 24, 2002

on the subject of sammy's parents' computers:

[ymmas] rob, is their computer still broken?
[r[o]b] ymmas: yes. both their computers are broken.
[ymmas] heh.
[r[o]b] i don't know how to fix them.
[ymmas] that's so rad. i bet they are really thrashed :(
[aja] how did they break them both?
[r[o]b] by trying to connect to the internet.
[aja] HAHA>

August 13, 2002

[katchoo] fuck all these stem cell debates.
[katchoo] i'm gonna start a babyfarm.
[caleb] haha
[katchoo] babies by the pound.
[caleb] whats up with stem cells now?
[emily] they use them to do genetic research and stuff.
[katchoo] i dunno, connie chung was talking to some dude about cloning and petri dishes and sheep and babies and fetus issues.
[emily] they come from dead fetuses and stuff.
[katchoo] babyfarm.
[emily] yeah.
[emily] with jars and shit.
[Chris] The new food source! Feed the world!
[emily] you get the stem cells, then you get out of town.
[katchoo] i'd pay handsomely for good baby sprouts.
[katchoo] and i'd get paid just as handsomely for my babycrop.
[katchoo] i'd have to invent some sort of plow that won't tear flesh, though.
[emily] i am so quoting this shit.
* katchoo blinks.
[katchoo] haaaaaaaaaaaarvesttime.

August 8, 2002

[Chris] Fuck kids. I need to be perky.

August 5, 2002

[hb] april thinks she's about to wrestle me to the ground
[hb] but she's gonna lose
[hb] cuz asja sgbh sgkhsw jpoik;da jvgas
[hb] gzagh lwa;dljg
[hb] s
[hb] ilsahflkzcx
[hb] hZ
[hb] LKC

August 2, 2002

[emily] aja, when is the wedding?
[aja] wedding?
[emily] yeah.
[emily] you and beck.
[aja] beck and i are no longer engaged.
[emily] hahaha.
[gabe] :(
<-- gabe ( has left #n00n
[emily] you knew what i was talking about!
[emily] that's so sad!
--> gabe ( has joined #n00n
--- failure gives channel operator status to gabe
[gabe] #3834.
[aja] emily: i know, wasn't it? :P