May 27, 2002

[kevin] i am afraid to look for 'raging erection' in google

May 26, 2002

[m335h] i am so comsumed by hunger and the lack of nicotine, i am rambling. about tolstoy!

May 22, 2002

[emily] ok, i think i have a vague idea, but i'm having trouble with the execution.
[katchoo] i could probably apply that statement to many things in my life.

May 21, 2002

[caleb] that was the kind of fart that could end a marriage
[gabe_] blow me, buddy!
[caleb] if i blow you... will you stop liking gta3?
[segsam] i would stop liking gta3 for a blowjob right now
* caleb goes down so far on sam he needs a passport to get out of central america

May 20, 2002

i dunno. i just thought this whole 3 minutes was pretty funny. so if you don't hang out on #n00n. here's what you've been missing.

[panamaniac] It was fun though. Snowboarding in a tank top. wheeee!
[katchoo] tank top!
[kathcoo] did your boobies fall out
[katchoo] haha.
[deelo] hahah
[panamaniac], I had them secured with a sports bra.
* katchoo points out that it wasn't me that said that.
[sammi] i can't believe you just said that dood.
[katchoo] haha.
[deelo] i gotta fart
[katchoo] EAT IT TRUONG.
[deelo] its gonna be beeg
[katchoo] my feet.
[katchoo] smell like yuor fart, i'm sure.
[panamaniac] hahaha
[deelo] it wont stink
[deelo] its too fast to stink
[katchoo] uh huh.
[deelo] its just gonna fire my pants
[katchoo] haha.
[katchoo] hasdfh.
[deelo] only slow ones stink
[sammi] i'm calling my kable kompany right now. I WILL HAVE HBO FOR THE 6FU FINALE
[katchoo] should i quote that
[panamaniac] slow hot ones.
[katchoo] sammi: you got 2 weeks to get it secured.
[deelo] my pants will temporarily become 25% of the fantastic four
[katchoo] okay.
[deelo] im subbin for the human torch
[katchoo] i gotta copy this stuff down.
[skacr0w] sammi: where am i gonna put this?
[deelo] >_< FLAME ON!!!!!!!!!!

May 15, 2002

[deelo] i hate being a housewife
[segsam] do you want to be the next contestant on the price is right?
[katchoo] only if the showcase showdown consists of a one way trip to hell.
[segsam] i have to admit, it is a pretty weird show, but i don't think they send you to hell.
[katchoo] we all know bob barker is satan.
[katchoo] and barker's beauties are just succubi.
[katchoo] or whatever the plural for succubus is.
[katchoo] and however you spell succubus.
[segsam] haha.
[katchoo] and i'm sure if emily were here, she'd want to quote all this.

May 11, 2002

[segsam] i wonder who broke into my house last night
[emily_] !
[emily_] what?!
[segsam] i wish they'd return my tv.
[segsam] i wanna watch cartoons
[emily_] people stole your tv?!
[segsam] not really :( but scott's closet door is not as i recognized it yesterday.

May 7, 2002

[katchoo] you know.
[katchoo] if i were a bat.
[katchoo] i'd be pretty pissed.
[katchoo] and then i'd bite people.
[emily] hahah.
[segsam] then you'd emit high frequency sounds
[katchoo] i thought about sitting on the floor in second grade.
[segsam] i'd have to eat you

May 4, 2002

here is a poem. and god no, i didn't write it. ENJOY. HEEEHAHA.


a bracket, then a number
-a heart for someone dear
when we are on i r c
a star will be a tear

a smiley can be real or not
and chatting works like drugs
we heal that real-life messy
by parenthesis hugs

but time is up, i have to go
two hours a day, you see
..i wonder could you ever
how much you mean to me...

May 1, 2002

[katchoo] i am SO IN MY MOBILE HOME
[katchoo] BUT I AHVE CABLE